
SEMO VÝTAHY s.r.o. at Interlift 2022

Created on 16 March 2022


interlift 2022

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Hall: 2
Stand: 2077

New small machines SCRAP SE 50/100

Created on 23 November 2020

Thank you to those who visited us at INTERLIFT 2019

Created on 25 October 2019

SEMO VÝTAHY s.r.o. at Interlift 2019

Created on 05 September 2019

SEMO Výtahy Ltd. supported the international conference of the Word Organization for Preschool Education OMEP

Created on 29 May 2018

The company SEMO Výtahy Ltd, supported the international conference of the World Organization for Preschool Education OMEP (Organisation Mondiale pour l´Éducation Préscolaire) in Prague 2018.

The aim of the organization is to improve the education and care of children from birth to the age of eight.

It defends and strengthens children’s right to education, general education and care around the world, and supports activities that lead to thein quality fulfillment and accessibility for all, regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality or social origin. OMEP advocates the idea that the conditions in which children live today significantly influence their future.


Sale of small lift machines

Commercial representation of a Swiss company

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