Production of Elevators


In 1992, the production of elevators from 60Kg to 5 000 Kg was started. The company owns more than sufficient technical equipment and has a production area of 3 000 square meters.

All elevators are individually designed using LIFT designer software with 3D images available. The company has experience in the production of freight, passenger, single-space, panoramic, traction and hydraulic elevators. It mainly manufactures custom-made elevators and focuses on customer needs for new and existing buildings.

Our elevators can be classified as follows:

  1. Food elevator – Load capacity 50 Kg – 100 Kg
  2. Small freight elevator – Load capacity from 100 Kg to 300 Kg
  3. Personal elevator – Load capacity from 250 Kg to 1.600 Kg
  4. Load elevator – Load capacity from 450 Kg to 5.000 Kg

In addition, we produce landing doors for food elevators. They are produced in three sizes:

  1. ŠDS1K600x800: Single wing doors 600 x 880 mm
  2. ŠDS2K800x880: Double wing doors 800 x 880 mm
  3. ŠDS2K800x1200: Double wing doors 800 x 1.200 mm

Sale of small lift machines

Commercial representation of a Swiss company

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